Be Good. God Bless.

This is how he would say goodbye on a phone call or in person and how he would sign letters and notes to so many of us. And so now, as we say goodbye to John and remember an extraordinary life of family and community, we say it like he would: Be Good. God Bless.

Please join us this Thursday July 15th at 10AM at St Mary’s Church to celebrate John’s incredible life. All are welcome.

John’s Life and Pictures

John in his element, at the 2009 Veteran’s Day Parade.

John in his element, at the 2009 Veteran’s Day Parade.


Family First.

The Sullivan family has been in Winchester for several generations. John is the second child of Arthur and Madeline Sullivan’s seven children, growing up on Wildwood Street and then later Canterbury Road. You may have known him as a classmate at Winchester High School, a friend over the many years or a friendly face all over town. John was a consistent source of advice, guidance and love to his many nieces, nephews and his great-nieces and great-nephews. John met his wife Leah later in life and enjoyed many years together between Winchester and Florida.


The early years.

John served his country in the US Navy and then went on to attend Villanova University. He traveled and saw the world in a successful career in leadership roles at Charles T Main, Wheelabrator and Perini. He then ventured out and started his own company, Perland Environmental. He embodied a hard work ethic, a drive to succeed and to always take care of people.


Professional Life.

Always looking for the next challenge, he decided to change careers around the time we all embarked on our college careers, he enrolled at Boston College Law at 54 years old. He loved being a student and this new chapter of his life. In his next act, he blended his desire to help and serve others working in estate planning law. He loved his work and went on to become partner Hall & Sullivan right in the heart of Winchester.


A Life of Service.

John believed in public service and enjoyed being part of the Winchester community. He served as selectman and then most notably as the Town Moderator for 37 years. If you met our grandmother she proudly boasted of his uncontested position and that she watched him on Channel 19 TV for every meeting. His love for civic duty had him make a run at Lt. Governor of Masssachustetts back in 2006. He was awarded Winchester Citizen of the Year in 1985, I recognition of his service to our town.